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Garage sale

520 Cindy lane
Owatonna mn, MN 55060
Lots of kids stuff skylanders, 150 plus Lego mini figures, Lego mixels, star wars light sabers and stuff,marvel,hot wheels,matchbox cars,action figures, Wii games, ps2 games, lego's, batman, ninja turtles, bakelgon cards, pokemon cards, barbie stuff, fake food, animals, zoomer, remote control helicopters, chubby puppies toothless dragon,stuffed animals girls bike bike helmet, adult bikes, and a lot more boy and girl toys games books, small amount of clothing U.A. nike, columbia,fila,addidas, this is mostly a kids toy sale
  • 06/22/2019 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM is supported by the following area businesses: